Why Your Phone Bill Will Skyrocket
The rise of smartphones came with an increase in monthly bills, and that trend isn’t going to change in the…

Rise of the Teen Tech Superstars
Today’s teenagers are ‘native speakers’ of technology. Since they grew up with the Internet, their ease with social media, smartphones…

Science Fiction: Where Tech Dreams About Itself
Does technology have a subconscious? If it does, look no further than sci-fi summer blockbusters like “Prometheus” at the multiplex.…

How Internet Censorship Keeps Traditions Alive
Thailand’s long-standing laws against criticizing its monarchy are colliding with the openness of the Internet, as the country balances the…

The Rough and Tumble World of E-Books
E-book sales surpassed hardcover sales, but obstacles are hindering the digital format’s road to supremacy. According to the Association of…